giovedì 12 settembre 2024

Mike Curtis THE 50'S "Seven More Jazz & Ethnic Duos" n.4

Lambretta against the wind thrown to the rhythm of rock and roll raising the skirts.

Direction of the future. The sun in a smile and the air blowing directly from the United States of America. Cigarette in mouth, whisky and soda and ‘Tu vuò fà l'americano’ playing on the jukebox. A homage to the 1950s, by Mike Curtis (1952), from his ‘Seven More Jazz & Ethnic Duos’. I propose it performed with Joanna Cordoano, a former pupil of mine who was passing through from Sweden. Recorded on a sunny day amidst piadinas and coca-cola.


giovedì 5 settembre 2024

Rainer Bischof TRANSFIGURAZIONE for Solo Bassoon op.42 Michele Colombo B...

Rainer Bischof born in Vienna in 1947 is a philosopher, composer and artistic director. In his works Bischof seeks the union of music and philosophy. A composer of the Second Viennese School, he was a pupil of Han Erich Apostel. He is a recipient of the Medal of Merit of the Association of Adult Education Centers (1983), the Austrian Cross of Honor for Science and Art (1993), the Ring of Honor of the Bregenz Festival (1997) and the Austrian Cross of Honor 1st Class Award (1999), among other awards. He is an avid cook and has been a dog driver for the “Austrian Rescue Dog Brigade.”

The solo bassoon piece “Transfiguration” op.42 (1995) is dedicated to his friend and virtuoso bassoonist Milan Turković, who performed it on January 30, 1996 at the Mozartsaal of the Vienna Konzerthauses